Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Khan Academy

This image, Kahn with Bill Gates is a deep significant.
We eventually reached to the role of social media through the long journey.
Their main idea starts from the same root. Even if  their contribution to our society has a  huge difference, their destination is almost in a same circle.That is why Bill Gates supports Kahn.
I believe that their contact point is ' helping people for the better world '.
There are many people who are thirsty to learn more in many reason,(because of  money, better courrier, inevitable personal situation or health problem) in the world. These days, the finance is becoming a definit  poweful  key to decide a value of indivisual life even country.
Also the education is the same important key to understand people and the society .We cannot explain these issues with the money.Lastly, the science education is very important to progress our world in many ways , to prepare a disaster of nature, and to develope medications for cure and prevent.
Through the media studies, we realized that the social media has the most effective way to communicate with the people who are even in the opposite side of the earth.
 So Kahn uses this strengh of media (/quick ,wide,and democratic) for the people of the world. He
started this task just for his personal reason, now he is helping  people of the whole world.The power of the social media is that much strong. We have experienced that the media can change the individual life, also it can save the people of entire country like through " Arab Spring".
I really admire these two people and hope that we have more people like them for a good purpose.
I also belive that the media can wake the north korean people sooner or later. I am praying.
Thank you Mr. Chesser to give me a chance of experiencing media world !!

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